FireQA streamlines your Certification Audits, and enables you to deliver professional, comprehensive documentation for AFSS and AS1851 reporting.
FireQA has a system to support your Certification processes.
Load in all of the data you have about the penetrations from Excel. Otherwise start fresh and tap the + button in the app.
In the app record your observations onsite, pass, fail or TBC. Take notes and photos. Input your recommendations.
Drop a pin on the floor plan to show the exact location of the item.
Output single PDF report for each certification record.
Output full register and reports into Excel spreadsheet. Various reports automatically produced - All Certified items, Failed items, Full summary with photos. Export the data into your Client templates, so they can have their data their way.
The system produces the floor plans with all of the certifier’s pins, showing the location of all penetrations. A great addition to an invoice and the final handover.
Deliver to your customers faster and more accurately.
Easily pass or fail items on site using the app. Take photos, mark up the site plan and comment on the system. We work with many large teams on commercial properties so we understand working in bulk. Our system supports bulk loading and editing your data to speed up set-up and correction during the project.
We produce a variety of reports, all records, failed items only and a register with all of the photos plus more. You can have templates for specific clients, so they can have their data how they like it.
Easily create draft firestopping install logs from a Certification inspection!
Converting your failed items into a new job for installation work is a breeze. Each with marked-up floor plans, photos and the solutions details.
Why use our Certification system?
Converting your failed items into a new job for installation work is a breeze. Each with marked-up floor plans, photos and the solutions details.
Load up all of the existing penetrations from an excel spreadsheet.
Use the filters to show the passes and fails on the site plans.